Calls for projects

SHORT ANIMATION FILM : Production and coproduction of art films

MiCROFiLM : Call for 2 minutes animated shorts projects

RESIDENCE : Animated short project development

Siberiade (2022)

Dust (2020)

Luna Llena (2020)

Vulcan (2019)

Arthur (coming soon)

Flowers (coming soon)

The Gift (soon in production)

Of Words and Waves (in development)

The Bear River (WIP)

Words Will Come Later (2023)

Winter Changed Us (2023)

The Birds (2023)

Oh… Zeca ! (2023)

In Thousand Petals (2023)

Queerying Nature (2023)

Right in the Eyes of the Mirror (2023)

That’s Chewing ! (2022)

Medusa (2022)

The Bath (2022)

Winking Out (2022)

Far Away Lands (2022)

The Marrons Glacés (2022)

Insomnia (2022)

Ciáran (2022)

City Fatigue (2022)

Cool Party (2022)

Siberiade (2022)

Moshi Moshi (2021)

-M- Grandes Oreilles / Big Ears (2021)

Anouma (2021)

The Toilet Bowl Philosophy (2021)

Mirror (2020)

Valiant Heart (2020)

Dust (2020)

Hypnosis (2020)

No Future (2020)

Qanuk (2020)

Luna Llena (2020)

Oscar & Victoria (2019)

The Seated Man Who Wanted To Stand Up (2019)

Lines (2019)

Vulcan (2019)

Jacotolocotoc (2018)

Blue Moon (2018)

Semah (2018)

Corpuscule (2018)

Here (2018)

The Walker (2017)

Lagune (2017)

The call (2017)

Simbiosis Carnal (2017)

Yin (2017)

Manolo (2017)

Ginger Beer (2016)

I can’t wait (2016)

So Close (2016)

Tchouang Tseu (2015)

Antoine’s Vardos (2015)

A Man Without (2014)

Sirtaki sur la bande d’arrêt d’urgence (2014)

Between up & down (2014)

Hair (2013)

The Labyrinth (2013)

Mateso – EN (2012)

Pondering (2012)

Sex Life of Dinosaurs (2012)

The Sardine Tin (2011)

Cleo’s Boogie – EN (2010)

The yellow Envelope (2008)

Orgesticulanismus (2008)

The Broken Doll (2005)