An animation documentary directed by Sébastien Godard, François d’Assises Ouedraogo, Arzouma Mahamadou Dieni & Moumouni Jupiter Sodré
To leave or to stay? Citizens from Ouagadougou express themselves. Between those who dream of leaving for the West and those who want to stay, a pattern emerges…


Category : Authors
Direction, script & animation : Sébastien Godard, François d’Assises Ouedraogo, Arzouma Mahamadou Dieni & Moumouni Jupiter Sodré
Technique : Drawing

Edition & mixing : Sébastien Godard
Lenght : 9 minutes
Production : Camera-etc / Camera&Co – 2012


The authors

An animation documentary made with our partner in Burkina Faso, Camera & Co.