A film by Laurie Heinen
Oscar & Victoria
Oscar's mum is hospitalized. No one wants to explain to him what is going on. Fortunately, he can count on the comfort of Victoria, his cuddly toy...

Oscar & Victoria

Direction : Laurie Heinen
Edition & compositing : Louise-Marie Colon, Delphine Hermans
Music : Mathieu Labaye
Technique : cut-out, fabrics

Sound design : David Nelissen
Lenght :
5 minutes 47
Version : FR-EN
Production : Camera-etc – Appel à projets MiCROFiLM – 2019

Galerie photos

The director

Laurie Heinen participated in the adult workshop and in the production of the collective film La vie de Paulette. This first experience gave her the desire to make a personal film for young audiences, inspired by a significant event in her childhood.