Winking Out
Direction: Juliette Mauduit
Animation: Mathieu Labaye (Camera-etc)
Editing: Geoffroy Cernaix
Sound editing: Maxime Thomas
Sound design: Raymond Delepierre
Production: White Market
Coproduction: Camera-etc, Wallonie Image Production -WIP, Gsara ASBL
With the help of Centre du cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, Leetchi
Galerie photos
Juliette Mauduit is passionate about music and cinema. She made them refuge areas at first, then real specializations during her studies, experiences and key encounters. Sometimes creative, sometimes at the service of creators between India, Iceland and the United States, she develops a vision and a universe in the field of experimental video.
Arrived in 2011 in Belgium, she uses her training as a singer, adds writing and composition, and works consecutively on two musical projects : Nommo and Thot. In parallel with the music scene, she pursues commissioned video projects for musicians or theater or circus companies and pursues several documentary projects in self-production.
It was in 2017 that her most personal project took the form of a short film. L’Être Clignotant is a hybrid film transcribing into real and animated images the experience of one of her epileptic seizures.
Now based in France, she is developing a seed project and trainings in peasant gestures within La Ferme Sans Nom.