By Berna Güzel
For long banned in Turkey, Semah is a ritual dance of Alevis, inspired by the movement of the moon, the sun and the planets. It imitates the flight of the cranes, sacred animal for the Alevis, symbol of peace, freedom, equality, community of blessing.


Direction: Berna Güzel
Monitoring: Jean-Luc Slock
Technique: Painting, drawing
Music: Harun Özdemir
 David Nelissen
3 minutes
No dialogue
Production : Camera-etc – MiCROFiLM 2018

Galerie photos


Former participant of the adult workshop, Berna Güzel wanted to continue her learning of animated cinema by making a personal film. She responded to the MiCROFiLM 2017 call for projects. From November 2017 to September 2018, she directed her film in our studios, with the help and advice of our team.